Monday, April 28, 2008

Day 16

We are back in Taipei and started the day at the National Taiwan College of the Performing Arts, which is known for teaching traditional Performing Arts. The team learned how stage makeup for opera is applied, and got to practice with the acrobats who use Diablo. Diablo is a yoyo type device that is spun along a string. It was fun learning the skill of keeping it balanced and flipping it into the air. This was followed by performances by the Taiwanese Acrobats and a Beijing Opera. What talented youth!

We had lunch at a Vietnamese restaurant, and enjoyed everything but the embryonic duck egg that was served. For once the team agreed to not eat something exotic. It was unanimous.

The afternoon consisted of visits with the Taiwan After-Care Association and the Taipei Prison. The After-Care Association provides resources for prisoners after conviction to help with rehabilitation. The tour of the prison included viewing of art works that the prisoners made in art classes. The team members were presented with personalized tea mugs that include each member's name.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So, what does the plaque to District 7680 say? I'm guessing, "This entitles the bearer to one night's free accommodations ..."

- Joe Beets