Sunday, April 13, 2008

Day 1

After a short ride to our hotel from the Taipei airport we joined District Governor Jeffers Chen for a midnight snack of Stinky Tofu (it really does reek), 1,000 year old eggs (for good luck) and other Taiwanese delights.

Our first meeting of the day was with GSE Chair Keng Jang to go over our itinerary. We were treated to a lunch of Dim Sum, Cantonese specialities and chicken feet. Jang's wife May joined us for an afternoon of touring the Jade and Flower markets. Now we know why Taipei is called the city of Azaleas.

We later joined the Governor, Host families, Youth Exchange students and the Rotary Fellowship Exchange team from Long Island, New York for a lavish welcome party at the Howard Hotel. Our team sang, danced and presented a slide show of District 7680 to the attendees.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Lena, you make me want to jump up and join you all!